
Niwa of Shirahama

An antique dealer had looked over our previous works and requested us to craft his garden.

Embosomed in an idyllic landscape, the house has the large front yard. Naturally Its path got lengthened, so we utilized it to lay out the entire garden. We arranged Japanese Zelkova, Japanese white-germ cedar, Japanese maple for scenic trees, and Japanese oak for a high-hedge screening. We replanted Abrachan (Parabenzoin praecox) and Asiatic dogwood trees dug from forest on the earthen wall. The hedge of Japanese Enkianthus and Chinese hypericum symbolizes the boundary. We installed the antique water well-crib in the garden and specially made the copper sheet lighting. These are intended to add a venerable air to the garden over time.   

In today’s world it might be the most luxurious thing to nurture one’s taste or fondness one by one.

Without sodding turf, his lawn has been maintained neatly for thirty years since our landscaping. This garden symbolizes the family’s richness in heart.

photo by Tadayuki MINAMOTO